United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees - Global Strategic Priorities Report 2019
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation - Annual Report 2017
IRC WASH - Annual Report 2016
The Voices of Chidlren and Young People : Child Helpline Data 2012 and 2013
The Voices of Children and Young People (Global): Child Helpling data 2003-2013
The Voices of Children and Young People (MENA): Child Helpling data 2003-2013
Briefing Paper on Bullying : Child Helpling Data 2003-2013
The Unite Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Global Strategic Priorities Report 2019
The Voice for Change Partnership Programme - Stories of Change Platform
Reviewing 10 years of Recommendations Submitted to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child.
Violence Against Children: Child Helpline Data on Abuse and Violence from 2012 and 2013
The Voices of Children and Young People (Americas and Caribbean): Child Helpling data 2003-2013
The Voices of Children and Young People (Africa): Child Helpling data 2003-2013